MOBILedit Forensic PRO

Our newest, most powerful and advanced all-in-one forensic tool.
3rd Party plugin marketplace with installation, analysis and reporting
Acquire manufacturer backups from devices
Advanced Security bypassing with multiple methods (Chipset, Recovery, Odin, Fastboot, LAF, Rooting, Jailbreak, Backups)
Auto-suggest security bypassing options for connected devices
Board level instructions for Emergency download (EDL) Security bypassing methods
Bypass the lock screen on Android phones
Cell tower analysis
Cellebrite UFD & Cellebrite UFDR support (Import)
Cellebrite UFDR export format
Custom selection for security bypassing (By method)
Customisable Malware & Spyware detection (YARA rules)
Detailed Jailbreaking and rooting guides
Image face matcher
Instructions for all security bypassing methods
Live Updates for Cell towers, Image processing, Malware detection
Live Updates for Security bypassing - Spreadtrum chipsets, Emergency Download (EDL), Samsung engineering root, Recovery images
Oxygen XML (Import)
Photo recognizer - Currency, Documents, Drugs, Extremist symbols, Nudity, Upskirt, Weapons
Security bypassing by chipset (Mediatek, Spreadtrum, Qualcomm)
Security bypassing by device model