MOBILedit's Innovations and Focus on Smartwatch Forensics — MOBILedit

MOBILedit Forensic webinars. Register now!

MOBILedit's Innovations and Focus on Smartwatch Forensics


We have some exciting plans in store for the coming year, including groundbreaking new innovations in hardware and software. We are also eager to travel the world and strengthen our existing relationships while building new ones. This year we want to put an even more emphasis on smartwatch forensics, trainings and meeting you around the world.

MOBILedit Forensic 9.1 Beta is Coming!

We are thrilled to reveal that MOBILedit Forensic 9.1, our latest version, is about to enter BETA testing in upcoming days. This new release boasts an array of exciting features, including Smart Screenshots, Kirin chipset unlocking, Skype Cloud analysis, Amazfit smartwatch analysis, enhancements to our Photo Recognizer and Face Matcher tools and much more.

As a BETA tester, you will have the opportunity to be among the first to experience the new version and test its full capabilities. Your feedback and suggestions will be invaluable in shaping the final product to best suit your needs.

We invite you to join our BETA testing program and help us make MOBILedit Forensic 9.1 the best it can be.

Read more about BETA testing program here

Register for BETA testing program here

Most Wanted - Smartwatch Forensics

The latest improvements moved MOBILedit Forensic to the next level, with stronger security bypassing capabilities and the addition cloud forensics. But what truly sets MOBILedit apart from other tools is a strong focus in smartwatch forensics. This allows users to extract and analyze data from a wide range of devices and sources, making MOBILedit an essential tool for any forensic investigation. With MOBILedit, you can uncover all the evidence you need for a successful investigation and stay ahead of the curve in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Free Webinars

In 2022, we started free online trainings to teach users how to use MOBILedit Forensic effectively. The positive response we received about these trainings drove us forward. So we’ve decided to add new modules to the current topics.

All MOBILedit Free online trainings details and registration here

Compelson Academy

We are happy to announce that with 2023 we are starting a new chapter; the Compelson Academy. One part of our educational activities will be trainings held at our Prague Training Centre here in the Czech Republic.

On 27th - 30th March, we will lead the first training about Advanced Bypassing Techniques with MOBILedit and Advanced Phone Forensic Techniques (ISP, Chip-off, JTAG) at our training center in Prague. We have few seats available - are you interested to join this training? Contact us here!

Are you interested in tailor-made training? Contact us, we are happy to prepare the training according your needs and education level.

Meet Us Around the World


Next stop is ISS World Dubai

The first conference where you can meet MOBILedit Team this year is ISS World Middle East, which takes place on 28th February - 2nd March in Dubai. Join our presentation and come visit our stand at the conference! More details about the event schedule here.

Follow which events MOBILedit plan to join here.

Thank you for being a part of MOBILedit family. We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to serve your forensic needs.

Your MOBILedit Team